Sunday, December 29, 2019
Evolution / History Of Nursing - 848 Words
Evolution/History of Nursing --- Dorothea Dix Approximately one in five adults experience mental illness in a given year in the United States (Mental Health By the Numbers, n.d.). Adequate mental health care is extremely important to the general well being of the world’s population, and therefore should be focused on in nursing. Dorothea Dix (1802-1887) was crucial in increasing the quality of care given to the mentally ill in jails and asylums. She saw that poor people with mental illnesses were suffering due to lack of quality healthcare and she dedicated her career to advocating for those people and their right to proper healthcare. Her impact as well as the impact of others working towards proper healthcare for those with mental health problems in today’s society is that, while we absolutely have a long way to go, mental illness is less stigmatized than it ever has been before: basic insurance covers mental health care and mental illness is something regularly talked about in our society --- when Dix was work ing to transform mental health care it was believed that most people with mental health problems were incurable. Dorothea Dix was born April 4th, 1802 in Hampden, Massachusetts and was a teacher for twenty-four years before she became a nurse at the age of thirty-nine. After receiving a large inheritance from the death of her grandmother, she volunteered to teach a Sunday school class in the East Cambridge House of Correction in Massachusetts. During this time,Show MoreRelatedNursing Practice History And Evolution976 Words  | 4 PagesNursing Practice History and Evolution â€Å"The story of knowledge of multiple sclerosis is like a history of medicine in miniature†(Putnam, 1938, p. 806). My story began eighteen years ago, sitting in a University of Iowa neurologist’s exam room, awaiting the results of a magnetic resonance image of my brain. I was a twenty-six year old Caucasian female from rural Iowa and a recent nursing college graduate. However, I heard the neurologist’s explanation why his assessment revealed a multiple sclerosisRead MoreA Rough Past : The History Of Nursing Homes Essay1698 Words  | 7 PagesA Rough Past: The History of Nursing Homes One thing every living organism has in common on this planet-- age. No one wants to age or face the fact that aging is inevitable. 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To understand nursing and where it began, it is important to mention a key pioneer in nursing by the name of FlorenceRead MoreNursing Timeline1137 Words  | 5 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline Historical Development of Nursing Timeline The 19th century marked the beginning of professional nursing. Florence Nightingale was the legend behind it as she began the struggle of nurses being recognized as professionals. It is hard to believe that nurses were once assigned to the job as a sentence for crimes committed or for the women who were too old or sick to hold conventional jobs. Nightingale’s focus included infection control, documentationRead MoreThe History of Nursing Essay817 Words  | 4 PagesThe History of Nursing Many people believe that Nursing started with Florence Nightingale, however nursing itself dates back to the beginnings of motherhood when nurses were traditionally female. In fact, nursing and medicine have been closely intertwined throughout the ages. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Virginia Board Of Nursing - 1290 Words
Introduction The Virginia Board of Nursing has one main purpose: to keep the general public safe. There are twelve volunteer board members who carry the responsibility of giving a defendant a chance to explain the motive for their actions that merited the Formal Hearing. The board takes the time to listen to witnesses, investigators, and other pertinent persons that are involved in the case. They will then go into a closed session and make a collaborative decision whether the defendant is safe and competent to practice under their nursing license. Disciplinary Case One specific case involved substance abuse by a Registered Nurse. She was brought before the board for the renewal of her Virginia RN license. The defendant may be unable†¦show more content†¦She went through a monitoring program for that offense and has since relapsed. The decision made by the Virginia Board of Nursing concluded with an indefinite suspension of her license until a monitoring rehabilitation program has been completed. The Health Care Practitioners Program will be customized for the specific criteria that the defendant needs. If the defendant does not complete all parts of the program, she will have to come before the board to discuss the issue. The defendant stated during the hearing that she â€Å"does not trust herself around narcotics and needles.†Therefore, the board decided that she will not be able to work in a setting where she has access to either of those. The rest of the details of her implications are to be determined as a later time. Nursing Safeguards If the defendant would have adhered to the numerous safeguards for nurses, it could have prevented the alleged wrongdoing. According to the American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics for Nurses, nurses must advocate for proper assistance for coworkers when indicated. This supports nurses in early recovery when they return to work (O’Neil, 2015). If the coworkers of the defendant would have recognized her issue and spoken up prior to December 9th. 2015, than this hearing could have been prevented. It is the nurse’s ethical responsibility to safeguard the patient, the public, and the profession from prospective harm when a nurse appears to be impaired. This can be
Friday, December 13, 2019
Machine Learning Free Essays
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18(2017)1-29 Submitted 6/14; Revised 10/sixteen; posted 1/17 Content Mining a New Technique in Data MiningUsman Ahmad Urfi usman.urfi2@gmail.ComLeads UniversityMphil cs (1st) , F-17-3224Editor: Usman Ahmad Urfi Abstractstatistics mining is the gaining knowledge of revelation in databases and the gaol is to cut up examples and data from masses of facts. We will write a custom essay sample on Machine Learning or any similar topic only for you Order Now The essential term in facts mining is content mining. Content material fabric mining removes the pleasant facts pretty from content cloth. Real instance getting to know is carried out to first rate records. Excessive – satisfactory in content fabric mining characterizes the blends of significance, curiosity and intriguing awesome. Undertakings in content material cloth mining are content affiliation, content grouping, detail extraction and slant exam. Utilizations of ordinary dialect preparing and scientific strategies are very favored to convert content material into information for investigation. This study is ready the one of a kind techniques and calculations applied as a part of content material mining. Key phrases: data mining, text mining, gaining knowledge of disclosure Introductioncontent material fabric mining is to deal with found out information. Revealed records is unstructured, vague and control is tough. Content material digging is excellent technique for facts exchange. A non-conventional information restoration methodology is implemented as part of content material mining. For getting statistics from massive association of literary information which become finished through the content material mining. The figure1 is described with the method of content material mining. As of late, dialect exam may be shown improvement over the man or woman. The guide techniques had been costly and tedious method. To perform this purpose of content fabric mining, there are unique advances are sent. The enhancements are information extraction, outline, subject matter following, order and bunching. Mastering Discovery from text (KDT) [6] is one of the issues to deduce sure and unique thoughts .Natural Language Processing (NLP) [8, 13] strategies are carried out to find out the semantic circle of relatives participants between mind. Amazing diploma of content cloth statistics is accounted via the studying revelation. Data Discovery from textual content (KDT) is produced from herbal Language Processing (NLP), whole the strategies from gaining knowledge of management. Disclosure way is conveyed for the rest. KDT assumes a logically noteworthy detail in inclining applications, for instance, text expertise. §c 2017 Ishiguro, Sato and Ueda. License: CC-via four.0, see https://creativecommons.Org/licenses/by means of manner of/four.Zero/. Attribution necessities are furnished athttp://jmlr.Org/papers/v18/14-249.Html. History The content material cloth mining has numerous techniques to system the content material fabric. The principle structures are clarified proper here. 2.1 facts Extraction records extraction is an underlying boost for unstructured content breaking down [6]. Disentanglement of content material material is crafted by way of way of facts extraction. The crucial work is to apprehend expressions and reveals the relationship among them. It’s far appropriate for the bulky length of content material cloth. It eliminates prepared statistics from unstructured information. The discern 2 clarifies the records extraction.ClusteringGrouping middle in the direction of the similitude measures around numerous questions and places, it has no predefined class marks. It isolate content material into one accumulating and further creates bunch of accumulating [4]. Phrases are disconnected rapidly and weights are alloted to each word. Rundown of commands are created through making use of bunching calculations in the wake of figuring likenesses.Eleganceaffiliation is to find the fundamental subject matter of archive via collectively with Meta and breaking down record. The take a look at of phrases and from that tally chooses the challenge be counted of the archive which turn out to be completed thru the characterization strategy. It has predefined elegance call. 3. LITERATURE SURVEY Yuefeng Li et al [13]: A text mining and characterization approach has been applied time period-based methodologies. The issues of polysemy and synonymy are one of the real troubles. There has been a hypothesis that example based strategies have to outflank remarkable evaluation with the term-primarily based completely ones in depicting consumer dispositions. A huge scale layout stays a difficult issue in content material mining. The cutting component term-based definitely techniques and the example based strategies in proposed display which performs productively. In this paintings fclustering calculation is carried out. Significance highlight disclosure in view of every high-quality and terrible criticism for content material mining models. Jian mama et al [4]: The creator centered inside the direction of the problem with the resource of arranging content material material critiques on proverbially, typically in English. On the factor while paintings with non-English dialect writings it activates the disallowance. Metaphysics based definitely content fabric mining approach has been utilized. Its efficient and effective to cluster check out guidelines typified with the English and chinese language writings utilising a SOM calculation. This technique may be prolonged to assist in searching through a superior in shape among suggestions and analysts. Chien-Liang Liu et al [2]: The paper reasoned that the information about the film rating relies upon on the effect of feeling grouping. The element based totally outlines are applied to provide consolidated depictions of motion picture audits. The author composed an inert semantic investigation (LSA) to installation object includes. It’s miles an technique to decrease the extent of rundown from LSA. They account each exactness of supposition order and response time of a framework to plan the framework through the usage of using a bunching calculation. OpenNLP2 tool is applied for usage. Yue Hu et al [19]: PPSGen is every other framework which become proposed to asking for of the introduction slides been produced can be applied as drafts. It reasons them to set up the formal slides fasterly for the proprietor. PPSGen framework can perform slides with better nice advocated through the writer. The framework emerge as produced via using the Hierarchical agglomeration calculation. Apparatuses are a Microsoft electricity-component and OpenOffice. A two hundred combo of papers and slides are taken as assessments set from the internet exhibit for evaluation approach. PPSGen is further advanced to the benchmark strategies that had been obvious via manner of the patron keep in mind. Xiuzhen Zhang et al [10]: the trouble seemed with the resource of all of the notoriety framework is focused with the resource of the writer. However the notoriety scores are normally excessive for sellers. It’s far a situation requiring wonderful exertion for promising customers to choose reliable dealers. Writer proposed CommTrust for agree with assessment thru enter feedback thru mining. A multidimensional do not forget show is applied for calculation work. Informational index are collected from ebay, amazon. In this approach applied a Lexical-LDA calculation. CommTrust can accurately address the exquisite notoriety problem and rank dealers are at ultimate by using way of demonstrating in reality thru the huge analyses on eBay and Amazon statistics. Dnyanesh G. Rajpathak et al [9]: The checking out errand is In-time enlargement of D-network via the locating of latest manifestations and sadness modes. Proposed method is to expand the blame finding metaphysics live with thoughts and connections each from time to time observed inside the blame evaluation area. The desired historical rarities and their situations from the unstructured restore verbatim content fabric were located with the aid of the philosophy. Actual information accumulated from the car place. Content material material mining calculations are carried out. To accumulate consequently the D-networks with the aid of manner of the unstructured restore verbatim facts that was mined finished through the metaphysics primarily based absolutely content fabric mining usual on the identical time as blame conclusion. A diagram and the chart examination calculations want to be produced for every D-community. JehoshuaEliashberg et al [11]: To discern the movies execution of a movement photograph on the crenulation factor, it is suitable really in the event that it holds the content material fabric and introduction charge. They extricate found out includes in three stages specifically kind and substance, semantics, and % of-phrases from contents using region statistics of screenwriting, enter given thru human, and regular dialect dealing with techniques. A chunk based totally totally technique is to survey film enterprise execution. Informational index are collected from 3 hundred movie taking snap shots contents. The proposed device predicts film organisation profits all of the extra exactly 29 percent is lessened mean squared mistake (MSE) contrasted with benchmark techniques. Donald E. Dark coloured et al [17]: Rail mishaps introduce photograph of a worthwhile nicely being factor for the transportation commercial employer in severa nations. The Federal Railroad administration desires the railways obfuscated in mishaps to post opinions. The record must be snuggled with default discipline sections and recollections. A mixture of structures is to clearly find mishap attributes that could train a advanced comprehension of the benefactor to the mischances. Wooded location calculation has been applied. Content material mining takes a gander at methods to extricate highlights from content cloth that exploits dialect characteristics specific to the rail delivery enterprise. Luà s Filipe da Cruz Nassif et al [6]: In criminological investigation that emerge as automated with a notable many statistics is commonly inspected. Unstructured content material material changed into determined in a big part of the facts acting breaking down way is fairly attempting out exposed with the aid of computer analysts. File bunching calculations for the examination of computer systems on medical workplace seized in police an examination which was advocated through the author. Collection of combo of parameters that activates incite of sixteen distinct calculations hold in thoughts for assessment. Good enough-implies, okay-medoids, unmarried, entire and average hyperlink, CSPA are the bunching calculation are implemented. Bunching calculations persuade to actuate agencies shaped by way of the usage of both big or unimportant file that is applied to decorate the master analyst’s interest. Charu C. Aggarwal et al [5]: creator concentrated on using factor data for Mining textual content records. A effective bunching technique became completed by way of the use of the hooked up apportioning calculation with probabilistic fashions which modified into deliberate via the writer. Dataset utilized is CORA, DBLP-4-territory informational index and IMDB. Running time and type of organizations are applied as a parameter for breaking down cause. The results can apparent that the use of aspect-information can beautify the individual of content material bunching and order to control an amazing united states of america of skillability. 5. Diagrams 4.COMPARISONS ON awesome textual content MINING strategiestable number 1.26. Conclusioncontent material mining approach is preponderantly used for setting aside mode from unstructured facts . Records disclosure is primarily engaged at some stage in this assessment. The systems area social unit grouping, characterization, and cognition extraction and information instance become diagramed. The method of content cloth mining and the computing floor area unit further investigated. Throughout this paper absolutely excellent troubles area unit reviewed and their result vicinity unit talked regarding.Mining technique is dominantly implemented for putting aside mode from unstructured statistics . Records revelation is essentially related with amid this audit. The frameworks difficulty social unit amassing, portrayal, and comprehension extraction and records outline modified into graphed. The technique of substance mining and the processing floor place unit furthermore explored. Amid this paper very unexpected troubles area unit investigated and their final consequences zone unit talked concerning. References  R. Agrawal and R. Srikant. Quick calculations for mining affiliation policies. In court cases of the 20th global convention on Very big Databases (VLDB-ninety four), pages 487– 499, Santiago, Chile, Sept. 1994. R. Baeza-Yates and B. Ribeiro-Neto. Modern information Retrieval. ACM Press, big apple, 1999. S. Basu, R. J. Mooney, ok. V. Pasupuleti, and J. Ghosh. Assessing the oddity of content material mined rules utilising lexical information. In proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGKDD international assembly on understanding Discovery and statistics Mining (KDD-2001), pages 233– 239, San Francisco, CA, 2001. M. W. Berry, editorial supervisor. Strategies of the 1/three SIAM global conference on information Mining(SDM-2003) Workshop on textual content Mining, San Francisco, CA, might also 2003. M. E. Califf, editorial supervisor. Papers from the 16th country wide conference on artificial Intelligence (AAAI-ninety nine) Workshop on machine getting to know for statistics Extraction, Orlando, FL, 1999. AAAI Press. How to cite Machine Learning, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Mechanics of Homosexual Intercourse
Question: Analyze the mechanics of homosexual intercourse? Answer: In order to analyze The Mechanics of Homosexual Intercourse the critic has witnessed that the writing style the writer has used is not only unique but at the same time intrinsic as well. The idea of the writer about this approach is quite clear and presented that idea with the application of strategical moves of writing. A set frame of the story has been tried to be presented in context of this work which enacted congenially for the writer. At the same time, use of sophisticated quotations has proven to be an essential tool for this article. This has helped the story to be developed intensely (Phillips). Critical interpretations of the author are the significant tool which has helped the author to develop this study essentially. Jameson Fitzpatricks When I Wrote It Down, I Wrote It Down Dirty although may appear to be a poem with intense sexual cry, in a large extent this poem essentially expresses the appetite of sexuality. The approach of the poet towards the union of same sex appetizer is essentially intense which helps in glorifying the poem. At the same time, the poet blatantly supports the conditional intimacy approach. Away from the conventional form of legitimate sex, Hurst asserts potential approach of sexuality is the most essential point of delineation for the current poet. The poet never has followed the conventional approach of rhythmic tone. Rather it can state to be a outcry of the poet support this approach. In the face of intense protest of same sex, this poem appears to be a significant idea of analyzing significant ethicality. Something Happened of Lonely Christopher again the rhythmic conventional approach of a poem is missing and again it is a poem of sexual approach which helps the poem to be more intense. Eloquence of the poem seems to be the most significant approach. This poem seems to be the most important which delineates how the sexual ethics of the same sex is intrinsic that helps in analyzing what the drastic points of application which helps in analyzing this approach. The structure of the poem although appears to be unique and sophisticated, it helps in identifying the current prospect of the society and how can this approach may seem to be effective on the society. In some areas of the poem, the poet has been seen to be engaging conversation mode which helps in delineating the essence of the poem (Marjorie Perloff). At the same time, the theme of the poem is essentially engaged and managed which helps in idealizing the essence of the poem. Lauren Berlants Thinking about Feeling Historical deals with the contemporary issues of the current social being. The writer appears to be quite drastic in his approaches in idealizing how this approach seems to be sophisticated to attain more experiences. It seems to be the unique approach of identifying typical emotional events and how does it impacts over the ethical prospects (Davis Schneiderman). This writer appears to be confident in his strides to identify all the necessary staples for preparing the article. Reference List: Davis Schneiderman,. 'The Uniqueness Of Badness'.American Book Review31.2 (2010): 11. Web. Hurst, Susan. 'Book Review'.Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing29.3 (2010): 143. Web. Marjorie Perloff,. 'Poetic Throwback'.American Book Review31.2 (2010): 9-10. Web. Phillips, Linda. 'NiaS Story Continued'.Learning Disability Practice10.5 (2007): 28-31. Web.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Literary Periods and their Characteristics Flashcard
Literary Periods and their Characteristics
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Understanding Piaget essays
Understanding Piaget essays Swiss biologist Jean Piaget eventually came to think that intelligence is a form of adaptation, in which each individual, through the two processes of assimilation and accommodation, constructs knowledge. He theorized that as children interact with their physical and social environments, they organize information into groups of interrelated ideas called schemes. When children encounter something new, they must either incorporate it into an existing scheme or create an entirely new scheme to deal with it. Piaget also believed that intellectual development occurs in four distinct stages. The sensorimotor stage begins at birth, and lasts until the child is approximately two years old. At this stage, the child cannot form mental representations of objects that are outside his immediate view, so his intelligence develops through his motor interactions with his environment. The preoperational stage typically lasts until the child is 6 or 7. According to Piaget, this is the stage where true "thought" emerges. Preoperational children are able to make mental representations of unseen objects, but they cannot use deductive reasoning. The concrete operations stage follows, and lasts until the child is 11 or 12. Concrete operational children are able to use deductive reasoning, demonstrate conservation of number, and can tell apart their viewpoint from that of other people. Formal operations is the final stage. Its most significant feature is the ability to think conceptually. He also introduced several ideas explaining differences in logical thinking in children and young adults. A central belief of Piaget's theory of epistemology (origins of knowledge) is that increasingly more complex intellectual processes are built on the basic foundations laid in earlier stages of development. An infant's physical explorations of his environment form the basis for the mental representations he develops during his pre ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Roosevelt Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Roosevelt Politics - Essay Example Fascism and Benito Mussolini arose in Italy, and Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party took over Germany. Civil war broke out in Spain, and militarists gained control of Japan. The futile League of Nations stood by as nationalism and aggression grew. For Franklin Roosevelt, these international conflicts, as well as economic problems at home, would prove to be serious obstacles as he tried to implement his foreign policy. In 1928, the US joined 62 other nations in signing the Kellogg - Briand Pact. This agreement declared the war could not be used "as an instrument of national policy." But it did not have any way to punish countries that broke their promise.1 Americans were greatly alarmed by the international conflicts of Roosevelt's presidency. But they generally believed that the United States should stay isolated from those conflicts. Isolationism in America grew steadily throughout the 1930s with many books offering claims that the US had been dragged into World War I by arms manufacturers and bankers at home, who wanted the chance to make a profit. A committee led by North Dakota Senator Gerald Nye found that banks and manufacturers had made large profits during the war, and public furor grew.2 After the horrible losses of World War I, Americans became staunchly determined to avoid going to war. Moreover, America had serious problems at home with... This growing isolationism had a huge impact on Roosevelt's foreign policy. Early in his presidency, he demonstrated his diplomatic ability by reaching out to the Soviet Union and continuing a policy of non-intervention in Latin America. He encouraged Congress to pass the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act in 1934, lowering trade barriers and giving the president the power to make trade agreements with other nations.3 Beginning in 1935, in response to fighting in Spain and elsewhere, Congress created the Neutrality Acts, designed to outlaw arms sales or loans to countries at war. Although Congress worked hard to maintain neutrality, it soon became impossible to avoid the conflicts across the ocean. Roosevelt found creative ways to implement his foreign policy despite the wishes of Congress. In 1937, Japan launched a new attack on China. Roosevelt declared that, since Japan had not formally declared war against China, there was no need to enforce the Neutrality Acts. This allowed the US to support China by sending arms and supplies.4 Later that year, Roosevelt spoke in Chicago. In one of his best-known speeches, he called on nations of the world to quarantine or isolate aggressive nations like Japan and Germany to stop the spread of war. The quarantine speech declared that 10% of the nations of the world were threatening international chaos. He called for the remaining peace-loving nations to stand against them "to preserve peace."5 It looked like this speech would be the beginning of Roosevelt's stand against aggression. But isolationist newspapers lambasted him, causing him to retreat. Roosevelt, a shrewd politician, knew that any risky foreign policy decisions would jeopardize badly
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